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Welcome To Disability West Lothian


Make Equality Real Trustees And Staff Memebers West Lothian Access Committee and Jargon Busters Poverty Buster Event 2015 Thank You From Disability West Lothian


Make Equality Real Trustees And Staff Memebers West Lothian Access Committee and Jargon Busters Poverty Buster Event 2015 Thank You From Disability West Lothian

Lets make Equality Real

Lets make Equality Real

"Negative attitudes toward disabled people remain prominent in Britain and people with a mental health condition, learning disability or memory impairment remain particularly likely to be stigmatised," Equality and Human Rights report 2017.

Disabled people are being left behind and are living in poverty with very poor life chances, the damning report has concluded. For many of us the findings come as no surprise. The obvious - 'in your face' discrimination name calling or being talk down to are painful to experience but those are not the most damaging. The hidden discrimination is hard for people to recognise, harder for people to accept and has been so much harder to change:

  • The lack of thought
  • Lack of awareness
  • The accepted the exclusion
  • The attitude of 'we' have done enough

Disability West Lothian and friends don't think 'we' have done enough. We work to raise awareness, to educate, to tackle the obvious and the hidden discrimination. Do join with us, do share with us, do work with us to help make equality real.

Disability West Lothian has an exciting new oral history project

Back to the Future West Lothian

voice recording

Suggestions And Help Ideas

Please send us your suggestions about what you would like to see on the website in the box below.

We would also like to know what things you would like us to help you with?

If you like what we do you, please do show your appreciation, click on the Givey image below and make a dontation to Disability West Lothian.​ Helping us to help others!

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Disability West Lothian is registered as West Lothian Voluntary Council for Disabled People Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Status
Company Registration No. 111744 - Scottish Charity No. SC010605

Disability West Lothian is registered as West Lothian Voluntary Council for Disabled People Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Status
Company Registration No. 111744 - Scottish Charity No. SC010605